Will your child attend in-person or an FCPS virtual program?

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FCPS is excited to have all staff and students return in the fall to five days of in-person instruction! Our schools are safe. Our in-school transmission rates remain less than 1%, even as we have reduced social distancing to three feet in our schools. 

We do realize that some students may have a documented health or medical need for virtual instruction. Enrollment in FCPS’ Virtual Program for the 2021-22 school year will be VERY limited. Eligibility will be based on a health/medical certification of need completed by a licensed physician, nurse practitioner, psychiatrist, or a licensed clinical psychologist. Families will need to apply. Enrollment will be based on the health needs of the student only and not on the health of their family members. The virtual program will be run and managed by FCPS, not by Hutchison. 

You can view videos below of FCPS parents discussing the return to the building.

All Families Must Complete the Form Below:

English Intent Form

You must complete this form whether your student is moving, attending in-person, or will attend a Virtual Program

Formulario para Regreso a la Escuela

Por favor, llene este formulario (uno por alumno) si usted tiene la intención de presentar una solicitud para el Programa Virtual para el próximo año escolar debido a un problema de salud/médico aprobado relacionado con el COVID-19.

Return to School Parent Perspectives- Oswin Johnson

La madre de tres hijos explica que es importante que sus hijos hayan regresado a la escuela.