Hutchison Activities

Hutchison ES offers a variety of activities for the enjoyment, growth, and enrichment of our students.

Safety Patrols

Safety patrols play a vital role in daily life at Hutchison ES, helping to keep the school a safer place for everyone.  Fifth and 6th-grade students are selected as safety patrols, and are assigned to positions within and outside of the school building, on school buses, and at school crossings.  They also assist kindergartners to and from class each day, raise and lower the flags, and make the afternoon announcements.

Student Council Association (SCA)

The SCA is Hutchison's student government body, consisting of five officers, committee chairpersons, and two representatives from each class in grades 3-6. The SCA is a leadership and service organization that conducts service projects and promotes school spirit. The SCA meets once a month to plan and work on these projects. SCA students are selected through an election process. 

Morning News Show

Hutchison 6th graders have the opportunity to host and behind the scenes on Hutchison's very own news program. Behind the scene students write scripts, operate the camera, and manage audio equipment.  Our show airs only on Hutchison screens on Monday mornings. Encourage your 6th grader to speak with the library to participate!