Ms. Mehrer Recognized as the FCPS 2023 Region 1 Outstanding Elementary School Teacher
Congratulations to ESOL Teacher Maureen Mehrer, who was recognized as the FCPS 2023 Region 1 Outstanding Elementary School Teacher at this year's FCPS Honors event, held at George Mason University Center for the Arts on June 14th.
Before entering Maureen’s class, you must ask yourself, ¿Cuál es tu encanto? What is your gift? Maureen’s philosophy is that all students have equally important strengths even with different educational experiences. Her classroom celebrates and helps Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education (SLIFE) see themselves as resilient and capable learners. Students work to acquire literacy in Spanish and bridge that knowledge to English. Her greatest joy is seeing the students realize that they have become readers and writers and see themselves as capable students. Parents may observe while students use their translanguaging skills to present their learning, demonstrating their growth and knowledge. You may also see colleagues collaborating to refine practices for reaching and teaching ALL our students, nuestros estudiantes.
Congratulations to the following Hutchison Elementary School staff members who were also recognized at this year's FCPS Honors Ceremony!
Region 1 Outstanding Principal
- Sarah Aiello
Outstanding School-Based Leader School-Level Recipient
- Jackie Wilson, Assistant Principal
Thank you to Kelly Coghlan for all of their hard work with the nomination process by serving as this year's awards liaison.