What is TikTok?

By C. Le Blanc
For Parents
February 01, 2021

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What is TikTok?

TikTok is a app and website that allows people to watch, create, and upload short videos - usually set to music. 

Recommended Age: 15+ years old

What to Watch For: Inappropriate content like poor language, contact with strangers, and substance use

Safety Controls: Set to a private account, limit screen time, change who is allowed to comment or post to your child, and turn off location

Parents' Ultimate Guide to TikTok from Common Sense Media

Guía para padres sobre TikTok from Common Sense Media

How to set safety controls on TikTokParent controls on TikTok

Image: From Protect Young Eyes 2020

What is TikTok?

¿Qué es TikTok?